Challenge 1: Be more intentional with my time

Cajsa Thulin
3 min readNov 26, 2020

As in the first intentional and documented part of my self-improvement journey I want to, as the tile reveals, be more intentional with my time. In order to actually reach the version of me I want to be I cannot waste hours of my time on a daily basis, and that is just a fact. Although, I want to be very clear of what I think of as “wasting time” because I think that is one of those things that everyone thinks of differently.

I define “wasting time” as doing something that I haven’t actively chosen to do, something that isn’t my intention but happens anyway. For example, it is completely fine that i scroll social media for 5 hours straight IF it I actively take that choice beforehand and am pleased with that decision. It would not be fine if my intention was to answer a DM and then 5 hours later was till in bed looking at 5-minute crafts. So the deciding factor is not what I do, but if I have planned on doing it.

One of that main reasons I put my primary focus on this is that time is the one permanently limited resource throughout my life and if I can learn to prioritize it better to waste as little as possible, “all” I have to do after that is change my list of priorities and will (in theory) be able to pick of the rest of the things one at a time. (This is of course not realistic but the emphasis is on the “in theory” pat of the sentence).

As the current global pandemic is still a thing and I am a first year civil engineering student in Sweden, every lecture and study group thing is over zoom. Sadly, I have found that it is close to impossible to stay focused at home since I live in an extremely small apartment (18 square meters) and instead found a remote standing desk at campus where I plan to take my studies. Note: I can keep a safe distance to everyone and will use hand sanitizer way more often than I probably need to).

So, I will daily reflect on what I am actually doing in any given moment and if this is what I want to be doing with my time and also journal on how intentional I think my day has been. At this moment the first milestone is just to think and journal of how the days have been for about a week and then look at the data and evaluate it afterwards. But I have felt that I have really succeeded way better than expected just having it in the back of my mind since I wrote my last blog post so I am very excited to see what I am capable of if I just use the time given to me in the best way possible.

So, I will update you later this week and hopefully have some more insight in how this is going or how I am tackling everything as well as more updates on what I think of the book “Atomic Habits”.

Thank you for reading, I am looking forward to see you on Saturday and continue this journey together.



Cajsa Thulin

A 20 year old engineering student, trying to improve herself and want to help others along the way